高速バス 金山<金山駅北口大津通沿い三菱東京UFJ銀行前>

Express Bus Kanayama: In front of Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank along Otsu Street, North Exit of Kanayama Station, 1-14-18 Kanayama, Naka Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. Please note that it is not inside the rotary of the North Exit. 1) After exiting the North Exit, cross the pedestrian crossing and proceed to the right to reach Otsu Street. 2) Turn left and about 50 meters ahead, you will find Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank, and the bus stop is in front of it. 3) Please confirm that the bus stop is marked with "Sakura Express Bus."

株式会社 AT LINERの「金山」発着便


language English